Sonic City – If a tree fell

Sonic City is a creative partnership, network and connection between NOMAS, DJCAD, ANGUS COUNCIL, FACULTY OF DESIGN LJUBLJANA and GIDE.

Our brief was to create a sound , a listening post and a graphic score to enhance one of the hidden art works around Dundee

Our group chose Stan Bonnar’s tree print located on the back of a building near the kennels in the industrial estate. we thought that it could be really enhanced by the project and found the story behind the art work interesting.

These are some videos and images we took interest in


We decided to base our project around the well known phrase “if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound”

The project then became split into seven different sections or stages of the tree falling that would drive the graphic score and the sound.








These are the graphic scores I created . They are divided by colour to show the seven different sections

Our idea for the listening post derived around falling trees that would be created by one tree falling in the woods and making the domino effect . It would be constructed of wood to keep in the theme.

The final proposal has gaps in the structure where the audio is activated when the viewer stands in the gap almost being submersed in the structure of falling trees whist listening to the sound of a falling tree in a storm.




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